Spoken Words

"Your thoughts encounter your actions and your succes depends on it."

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Well, the summit is sadly near it's end. It would be a lie if I said that the sad part isn't partly influenced by the fact that we will be leaving these amazing sourroundings. But what's even more sad is that the opportunity to form even more and stronger friendships will have it's end
too (at least at this summit)..

Karin connecting
in beautiful settings

Looking at the brightside, we have made so many connections to so many exciting and inspirational people, social entrepreneurs and innovators, and as you can probably understand from the above it would have only been great if it could have continued...

The i-Genius team however can't keep hosting us in a place like this and in fact, because of the friendships we've managed to establish here, we too have other things to attend to in Bangkok.. Besides a second meeting with Chaiwat, social innovation frontrunner, we are also going to
meet with a guy called Dev whom we've meet here at the summit, and he is so fired up about working with us. He has been working on several social projects in Bangkok for a periode of six years now, and he invited us to join one of many projects under his network. We might even travel to north east of Thailand to join in there... The adventures we have experienced and will get to experience is simply unique!

I think the whole team of pilots hope that these friendships made here in Phuket, Thailand will ultimately result in a super platform with opportunities to do great things in the future. It might even be a platform for our Outpost in 4.semester! It certainly feels like the potential is there... What a great achievement!!

Thank you so much to the i-Genius team - Tommy, Julie and Jo (hope I haven't forgotten anyone) for this great event, and please repeat the succes very soon!

The conference room
that the i-Genius team
had set up for us

Finally I have the time to sit down and read through our own and the euro groups blog. I must say that I am really impressed of the the things that we all are doing on our trips. For me it has been a journey into a surreal world. Just three years ago this place was not existing, and we all know why. Today it is a hotel that is built in respect for what has happened and they have really tried to rebuild everything from material that was wasted during the tsunamis.

After have been watching the whole process more or less through a lens I still feel in some way a little strange and really not that much part of the group performing during the workshop. I could just see how people where struggling with each other and really digging in deep to find the needed energy for realizing a workshop like that. But the most powerful moment happened when I was in the group reflection afterwards. I started off by really being negative about the process and the way it had turned out. But I moved away from this and turned my inner focus on really accepting that there was and still is something laying underneath. I want to take the risks and really go for my own ambition of making this team work. I need the feeling of support and it is just so much stronger when it is people you share the same passion with. I will keep you posted about how the different things are going through the trip. The only reason why there are no short films on our blog is because I miss a transferring cable for the camera. But I will try to make it happen when I buy one at a hardware store somewhere. Take care enjoy the trip, keep the spirit high and I believe that we together will have a very solid product with a huge content that I feel will have a interest for a lot of people.

So fare I can just say that I have some really powerful moments on tape, and I will be more then happy to show this really soon . So it is not only our thing but OUR-THING....

With love and profound greetings to all of you. And lets make this team work, it is not about changing the game but about being open towards other people and really trust in the relationship that is steadily being built up underneath.

Morten Schuster Rossel, Kaospilots NL, 2008, Thailand

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sometimes you have those moments of realisation. I just had one; sitting here looking around in these tropical surroundings, with basic, cheap but very nice food, and then seeing our group working. I almost feel guilty for being here. Eventhough is hard work that we're doing. As a proof off that; I am completely knackered and seeing double for the past four hours.
Lets just recap till now.
We've arrived in Bangkok two days ago. After a very tiring stopover in Moscow, and a very dodgy flight with Aeroflot, we've made our way to a very nice hostel in quite a secluded area in Bangkok. Uptill now we've been exploring, walking around, sneaking into the zoo, eating a lot and sleeping our jetlag off.
Yesterday we had a meeting with a Thai frontrunner on Social Innovation, Mr. Chaiwat Thirapantu. By just going for it, establishing contact by sending an e-mail we got a meeting (sometimes things are just that easy ). We were supposed to meet up at the lobby of the Landmark hotel in the center of the city of Bangkok. The only thing was that we had a map with only thai directions on it, by which the tuk-tuk-shickrak driver took us to a closed office building in the outskirts of Bangkok. So two hours later we arrived at the actual meeting (while the girls were already long there ). Spoiled with food and drinks, Mr Thirapantu and his friends/colleagues opened their whole network up for us.
So as a result from that we already had another meeting today, and have a lot of contacts to hook up with in Phuket. It feels as if these couple of weeks won't be long enough. Therefore we've been changing our goals and expectations a bit concerning this trip, to not have too much big ideas and goals, and just take everything in that comes our way.
It actually feels as if we're laying the groundwork for a possible fantastic outpost next year.
So today we started our day with a boattrip on the main river to see a bit more of this city. After a small siesta we went on working on our projects, the weblog and designing the workshop for the upcoming summit in Phuket. After splitting up to work some more in small groups we got together again to have a meeting in our bunkbeds. Moments and settings like that can make you giggle inside.
Right now we're sitting outside in our shorts and t-shirts having a cocktail, finishing today (sorry, just needed to show off a bit here).

Tomorrow we will be leaving to Phuket for the I-genius world summit, in the Indigo Pearl five star resort (sorry again). Where we will be hosting workshops and a game.
I seriously have to stop writing for now as I am being punctured by moquitos that have been draining at least half a liter of blood from me.

Later more
Bye for now
KP students exploring the social living environment in Bangkok..

The girls having fun in a Bangkok Tuk-Tuk!

Karin shows what KP is all about...
Navigating in Chaos..

The whole row of KP students flying from Moscow to Bangkok, with the purpose of exploring and creating a platform for social innovation..

KPNL students having a meeting with Chaiwat and associates, great friends of the KP organization and a huge force in the social innovation field of Bangkok..

Team Thailand first wai from Maja

It is 4 in the morning and I cannot sleep......I have never suffered from jet lag before..... But guess there was a meaning for me this time to stay up hours after the others..... TO MAKE A BLOG -  it has taking  me 2 hours to make..;-) Learning by doing... So now I only have very little power back to write something.....So lets go straight to the most important stuff..... We are having a goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood time....... Okay i can write a little more...... we had our first official meeting today with 4 very cool Thai persons about their project an Ufa - fabrik ( more info about this another time). We are going to work with them next week after the Summit...cool connection and they are now sharing there network with us - so the door is open to Kaospilots kicking ass in Thailand.