Spoken Words

"Your thoughts encounter your actions and your succes depends on it."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Team Thailand first wai from Maja

It is 4 in the morning and I cannot sleep......I have never suffered from jet lag before..... But guess there was a meaning for me this time to stay up hours after the others..... TO MAKE A BLOG -  it has taking  me 2 hours to make..;-) Learning by doing... So now I only have very little power back to write something.....So lets go straight to the most important stuff..... We are having a goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood time....... Okay i can write a little more...... we had our first official meeting today with 4 very cool Thai persons about their project an Ufa - fabrik ( more info about this another time). We are going to work with them next week after the Summit...cool connection and they are now sharing there network with us - so the door is open to Kaospilots kicking ass in Thailand. 

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